Health & fitness

type 2 diabetes

Prevention and screening for type 2 diabetes and diabetes-related diseases

If you’re suffering from diabetes, your body might not effectively process and utilize glucose from the food you consume. There are various types of diabetes, each with its cause. However, all these types have the same problem of having excess…

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Ideal Figure for Women- Is It Zero Size

Today 0 dress size or 0 figures is said to be the perfect and ideal figure of women. Whether it’s the case in America or India, women of today wants to be in a zero size and wants to dress…

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What are The Common Weight Loss Foods Used to Get Zero Figures?

It’s for long time when women have been struggling to achieve the ideal size and ideal figure for them in order to fit into that zero size which is the craze of today. Women today wants to have the ideal size that…

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Tips to get rid of obesity

First and most important one is full stop on your parties. Think of the enjoyment you had up til now and the results which it has given in shaping of your body. If it is however necessary to go to…

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Give time to exercises and your hobbies

Woman, specially working woman should devote their time to pursue their hobbies to get relief from stress and anxiety. All of us want to live a full life, look young, healthy and fresh and have the energy to attend to our…

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Vacations must for working women

Today’s women works for hours like men. They are working from 9 to 5 at office and from 5 to 11 at home and rarely find any time for caring and enjoying about themselves. If you are also among the…

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Women’s Health

Health care for women in most of the cases takes a back seat due to various reasons. As women have to do multiple sets of jobs and tasks at the same time and simultaneously, it is becoming more and more…

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Exercise Tips for Women

It has been seen that today women are more widely affected from the problem of obesity and other problems due to increase in fat, like high blood pressures. So it has been recommended that women needs to take care of their exercises…

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Problems during periods

Depression raised during Menstruation periods, affects a lot to a woman’s life. During this time woman feels depressed, weakness and are much dis comfortable, restless, etc. She also some times feels vomiting, headache, extra weight gain, weight-age in breasts, etc. They…

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Healthy diet programs for teen girls

Teen girls should also take much care of their diet and adopt the healthy diet programs. They should have perfect diet plans and consider taking best diet. These are some of the great healthy eating tips for the teen girls…

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