Working women due to heavy work load in an office as well as in home have to suffer from different types of pains in their body due to their heavy working hours. These pains may include Back pain, Head ache, neck pain, Leg pain, etc. The most common of these are Back pain and according to the stats, 90% of Americans at some point in their lifetime are found to be affected from it. As such Low Back pain is not a disease in itself but is a symptom that may occur from a variety of different processes and can lead to chronic backaches if proper attention is not provided.

Causes of Body and Back Pain

Back pain can be due to various reasons and often no specific cause is found that created it. In many of the cases it also stops from some of the home remedies and common medication. Some of the common causes of back pain involve previous damage or injury to the bones, muscles or spines and nerves. Back pain can also be caused due to abnormalities of organs within the abdomen, pelvis, or chest. In many of the women pregnancy is also a main reason of the back pain and can be caused due to many reasons like straining the low back, stretching ligaments within the pelvis, etc. For Women of today it is must to take care of different types of Body Pains and different causes that caused them. And you must consult the doctor if the pain persists for the longer period of time.

Treatment and remedies for Back pain

For many of the people, back pain treatment may just include some exercises, natural and common medical treatment, use of pain killers, etc. And also some of the persons also regularly use orthopedic pillow for chronic backaches. Body aches and Back pains are not considered as acute and can be prevented and treated by simple home exercises and medical treatment. Doctors usually refer to back pain as acute if it has been present for less than a month and chronic if it lasts for a longer period of time.