Woman of today have worked a lot and fought against much tough times to get themselves at the point where they are today. She took generations to see this time where she is now considered equal to the men. But in many areas and places now also women is not given much respect and equality as compared to men. It may take some more years to get reach the point where women at all places and regions are considered as equal to men and in no ways inferior to them.

Women and equality

Women have been striving for equality since the 12th century when Eleanor of Aquitaine believed that women were superior to men. The first wave of the feminist movement began with Jane Adams (1860-1935) when she wrote “A Serious Proposal to the Ladies”. It was New Zealand, the first country to give the equal rights to vote for women in 1893. Australia then followed on the same footprints in 1902 and England in 1928. In in 1963, Iranian women secured the right to vote. Many women leaders and activists in Iran can look back at five decades of progress and setbacks for the women's movement there. In case you are interested in having further more information about Iran women rights, visit maryam-rajavi.com.

Women of today

Women of today are now working independently and in teams and are giving more positive and satisfactory results than man. Women of today are free to choose and work in any fields and profession as they want. Many of the working women are there who have achieved much in their life and are like the inspirations for others. Many of the activists present in the past and in present have made it possible for the women of our society to achieve what they want and have the right of. Women of today can be found in every profession and have many rights than before. They can be laborer if they want to be and they can drink in bars if they want to have a drink. Today they can join many of the clubs and entertainment parties which were once exclusive for men only.